Reliance Jio Interview Question for Java developer
What is Microservice , can you describe Microservice Architecture ? Which protocol you have used in microservices? Write a json example. How do multiple microservices interact with each other ? How to define producer and consumer services in discovery server? What is thread ? Write a program to start a thread? What will happen if you restart a thread? Suppose there are 3 thread t1, t2, t3 , t1 thread generates even no , t2 generates odd and t3 generates prime. How will you make sure that first even no gets printed then odd and then prime no? Write a produce consumer program with a concurrent API ? You can use CountDownLatch . Write a program to remove duplicate elements from a list ? Suppose there is a list of student and that student class contains 3 fields which are StudentName , Student ID and a list of StudnetMarsks. Sort the students based on the highest marks obtained by them ? Highest marks is nothing bot the sum of all the marks obtained in all the subjects . Can we write ...