Reliance Jio Interview Question for Java developer

  1. What is Microservice , can you describe Microservice Architecture ?
  2. Which protocol you have used in microservices?
  3. Write a json example.
  4. How do multiple microservices interact with each other ?
  5. How to define producer and consumer services in discovery server?
  6. What is thread ? Write a program to start a thread?
  7. What will happen if you restart a thread?
  8. Suppose there are 3 thread t1, t2, t3 , t1 thread generates even no , t2  generates odd and t3 generates prime. How will you make sure that first even no gets printed then odd and then prime no?
  9. Write a produce consumer program with a concurrent API ? You can use CountDownLatch .
  10. Write a program to remove duplicate elements from a list ?
  11. Suppose there is a list of student and that student class contains 3 fields which are StudentName , Student ID and a list of StudnetMarsks. Sort the students based on the highest marks obtained by them ? Highest marks is nothing bot the sum of all the marks obtained in all the subjects .
  12. Can we write try catch block in finally block?
  13. Can we rethrow exception in java class?
  14. How can we manage heap memory area?
  15. Garbage collector mechanism.
  16. Write a program to throw your own custom exception.
  17. What is concurrent hashmap?
  18. Can exception be thrown in finally block?
  19. How to write synchronized method and block? Write the syntax.
  20. What is finally block?
  21. Can we just write finally block without try block?


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