Multithreading interview questions

  • What is multithreading concept?
  • What is a thread?
  • How many ways you can create a thread?
  • Which one is better option to create a thread, by extending a thread class or by implementing Runnable interface?
  • What is sleep method.
  • What is yield method?
  • What is join method?
  • What is wait , notify and notifyAll methods , and why do they belong to Object class?
  • What are the states of a thread ?
  • what is a daemon thread ?
  • What is callable?
  • Difference between runnable and callable ?
  • What is future object ?
  • Programming of Future object ?
  • What is ThreadPool ?
  • What is executor and all its example ?
  • What is countDownlatch and cyclic barrier ?
  • Programming example of CountDownLatch and Cyclic barrier?
  •  Producer consumer example ?
  • How to create your own blocking queue?
  • Concurrent HashMap?
  • What is synchronization ?
  • What is synchronized block and method ?
  • What is volatile ?
  • IllegalThreadStateException ?


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